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formulatedby a scientist& naturopath

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why choose nutripuntia?

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Natural mucilage and pectin enhance beneficial probiotic strains for overall well being.



With soluble fibre, amino acids and essential minerals, it aids in healthy gut motility and gut lining repair.



Having a low glycemic index keeps you feeling full without spiking your blood sugar and helps with weight loss as the high fibre binds to dietary fat. A combination of amino acids helps to convert fatty acids to energy.


Regulates glucose metabolism and improves insulin sensitivity. High pectin levels help to lower LDL and triglyceride cholesterol levels. 


Glutamic acid, calcium, iron and magnesium play a critical role in areas of your brain responsible for storing and retrieving memory.


Rich in antioxidants, potassium, calcium and amino acids to help your body detoxify, muscle recovery and reduce inflammation. 


Superfood your mind and body

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